Course 2 --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The Second TracK is a bit more tricky. Read the checklist --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- below. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- YOU HAVE --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 25 SECONDS --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- TO --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 1. Do three full Laps cw --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 2. Get all LANDMARK Objects --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 3. Avoid red Tires --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 4. Dont wreck your ATV --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 5. Perfect pays 50.000 points on top --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Next ATV upgrade: "Race Sprocket kit' will improve ATV's --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Acceleration --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Press Enter to begin